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S.H.I.F.T. Method Hypnotherapy™ (Subconscious Healing, Integration, Freedom, Transformation)
Symbolizes making a profound shift from addiction to empowerment
The S.H.I.F.T Method Hypnotherapy™ is an approached geared to help clients understand their addiction strategy. The program is based on the "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime" metaphor.
Because addiction has a medical component to it that needs to be addressed by a licensed doctor/physician/therapist for the purpose of your biological health, I will only address the nervous system (subconscious mind) aspect of the conditioned response associated to the unresourceful habit, otherwise known as the addictive behavior.
Most people in addiction recovery, come with the belief that they are broken and worthless among many other limiting stories. Many have experienced much loss in their lives and carry a deep sense of grief, and others have experience neglect, abandonment or rejection. Whatever the reason for what started their use, one thing is true, they have all experience significant emotional hardship in their lives and due to the lack of processing what was happening in their lives, they have learned to cope by using an unresourceful coping mechanism that help them numb, avoid, escape or distract from those hurtful emotions.
The S.H.I.F.T Method Hypnotherapy™ brings an education element to therapy, in addition to emotional processing. Most people in general, let alone in addiction, don't understand why they do their habitual "problem". Instead of understanding the neurological reason from a perspective of "the nervous system is trying to keep me alive" they look at their problem from the perspective of "I'm broken, Everyone thinks I'm stupid, How could I, I'm never going to amount to anything, I'm not living up to my best," and the list goes on. True that if you keep using there will be damaging effects to your life in many different ways both internal and external.
The true question is not so much "Why" can't I stop or even "Why" do I keep doing this (Habit), but rather "How". How did I get conditioned with this strategy and what can I do to change it.
This is where the S.H.I.F.T Method comes in. S.H.I.F.T is designed to bring the understanding of how your programing gets created using theories from hypnotherapy which brings greats depths of understanding habits/behaviors and their association to significant emotional hardships.
With the understanding that your nervous system has an "outdated programming", together, Hypnotherapist and Client process the emotional hardships through different modalities that require minimal conversation about the past, which helps client to NOT get retraumatized by those past memories.
Hypnotherapy is a collaboration between hypnotherapist and client and it uses the state of Hypnosis to create positive change in your life. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation coupled with Focused Attention that uses the brain wave of Alpha. The Alpha state is used by you many times throughout the day. It's the state you go into when you daydream, when you drive from point A to point B and can't remember starting the car. It's also the state you use when you read a book or watch a show/movie. You become so involved in the story you can feel what the character is going through. It's just a natural state you already go in and out of.
Everything in the S.H.I.F.T Method Hypnotherapy is sensory based. What that means is that all techniques incorporated are designed to work with the language of your nervous system which includes your visuals, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings.
S.H.I.F.T uses modalities such as Hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Processing) T.I.M.E Tech (time-line therapy), Trauma Resiliency Model techniques, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and much more. All work is specifically tailored to you as an individual and your nervous system will always dictate the pace of the sessions.
S.H.I.F.T starts by identifying your addiction strategy. We create strategies for everything from tying our shoes to eating and from falling in love to shopping and even having sex. Everything is a strategy. Each one of us does the strategy uniquely to us. Once a strategy has been developed (programmed into our subconscious mind/nervous system), the strategy has a built-in trigger and gets activated by our external environment. When the external triggers the internal sense, whether positive or negative, the strategy is fired off and before we know it, we are doing things on autopilot (automatic or unconscious). Some of these programming are useful and resourceful and these are your "good" habits and some of the programming are not useful and can even be damaging to you -"bad habits".
Some strategies are associated to negative emotions and the strategy was created to cope with/or handle the unpleasant emotions. These unresourceful strategies have allowed us to numb, escape, avoid, or distract from feeling the unwanted and at times have even given us the much-needed sensation we seek.
By Identifying these unresourceful habits we can begin to interrupt the cycles or patterns we have unconsciously created. This gives us the ability to gain awareness, work on the emotional hardships and create freedom to transform into a new version of ourselves by creating an integration between the conflicts inside of us that seek Subconscious Healing.
Because S.H.I.F.T Method Hypnotherapy is designed to work with the personal development side of addiction, Gina Rodriguez can work with most cases. A referral is needed if there are any diagnosis involved, as Gina Rodriguez (MMS or S.H.I.F.T are not license therapies/therapist) but are a valuable addition to work as part of your, already established, treatment team.
Gina Rodriguez is always open to collaborations. Gina can bring in the S.H.I.F.T Method for one-on-one therapy or as a group facilitating opportunity in which concepts are always presented for learning, awareness, and discussion. Just reach out to today (818) 584-1549